Sacramento Customer FAQ


What will happen to my current projects and orders?
There will be no impact to any existing projects or orders.

Are UCF contracts and quotes still valid?
All contracts and quotes under UCF will remain valid. Future quotes and contracts will be issued under the One Workplace name. However, we will afford all our customers ample time to make this change in their systems and will honor any contracts with UCF for the duration of the contract.

Do I make payments to One Workplace or UCF?
One Workplace. We will work side-by-side with your team to make necessary changes. However, payments in progress to UCF will be accepted by One Workplace.

How do I contact my sales rep?
Phone numbers will stay the same and email will redirect to your sales rep's new email address. Your sales or account representative will give you their new email information soon.

Will my UCF contact or sales rep change?
Initially all contacts and sales representatives will remain the same. However, we may shift things around a little in the future to better serve you, our client.

Will existing UCF warranties be valid?
Yes. Absolutely. All warranties will remain in full effect.

Does this change impact the product mix we can buy from you?
No. One Workplace will continue to sell and support all manufacturers and product lines previously distributed by UCF. And you’ll actually have access to more choices.

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