Khan Lab School

Founded by Sal Khan of Khan Academy, Khan Lab School in Silicon Valley is an active innovation hub for teaching and learning. Designed by Danish Kurani, opened in 2017, our Learning Environments team was excited to source and supply unique, active and flexible furniture for this iconic education design project.

Seana Turner
Design Studio Manager
Using a student-centered approach, Khan Lab School ignites students’ curiosity, promotes independent learners, and encourages students to work on projects aligned with interests and ambitions. Spaces to make in, to think in, and to focus in are easily accessible and adaptable furniture allows for personalization.
Students and teachers have multiple space types and sizes to choose from and to manipulate as needed. Spaces to ideate and innovate, for individual and group activities, for study and planning, for rest and reflection with the right furniture to suit. And every space supports learning and experimentation.

Design by Danish Kurani, Photography by James Florio

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